Verbal Reasoning Guide

Verbal Reasoning Advice:

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Most people need to skip more. Skip those questions that are most challenging, as opposed to just skipping long passages:

• author's opinion

• negative question (all are true except)

• open ended questions

• questions lacking key words

How to approach: should I read the question first or the extract first?

Go question first and skim for key words when you have:

True, false & can't tell

Closed questions with specific things to look for

Go extract first and make a quick map of the passage when you have:

•  questions are open (e.g. not about specific dates/things)

• you're looking to infer broad stuff like main theme of passage/authors opinion

"most likely to be true"

"most supported"

"author's opinion"

For the harder inference questions, you'll usually be able to rule it down to two possibilities and two obviously wrong options. First find the two possibilities and then select the right answer based on the one that is:

    • supported by most paragraphs of the text

   • requires the least inference to be true

Guide to verbal reasoning!

If you find this useful, affordable guides to all the other sections coming ASAP

Verbal Reasoning Advice - UCAT.pdf