Interview Programme - Guarantee a spot at medical school!
Important notice!
There are limited spots, and we have put a lot of effort into designing the most extensive and comprehensive programme out there at an affordable price (because we know how many students are paying for this themselves with part time work - respect!) We will ensure that this is a worthwhile investment of your money, and perhaps more valuable limited time.
Interviews can be challenging, and our enthusiastic mentors will be there to support you at every step of the way. No one is expecting you to start with any background knowledge - we will be helping you to go from zero to expert. However, we are looking for equally enthusiastic students who are willing to fully commit.
This is not just about making money for us - please do not take up another student's spot on this programme if you are not genuinely passionate about getting into medical school! In the past, there have been parents forcing less motivated students into our programmes, including some who did necessarily themselves want to pursue medicine as a career - a 12-week intensive programme is not the one for you in this case!
We will take on new students but since the programme is now starting and groups have been formed, you will be assigned to general groups for surplus students - not university specific ones!
90% of the experience would be identical, but the mentor may be studying at a different medical school to the one that's your first choice
MyUCAT Interview Programme
Programme running 19th October to 12th of January
24 x Expert-led group knowledge sessions (1h30mins - 2 hours) covering everything you might need to know about NHS reforms/hot topics/ethics/medico-legal cases & answering all sorts of interview questions - from the common to the unexpected!
(Supreme package) - Assigned to a group of 5-6 students applying to similar universities who will work together to ace their medical interviews
(Supreme package) - Each group is assigned their own personal 'Interview Buddies' = students at your top choice university (and who obtained offers from others!) to offer assistance around-the-clock between October and January
(Supreme package) - 8 x Meetings with your 'Interview Buddies,' arranged at times of mutual convenience between October and January - these will be very interactive, covering bespoke, university-specific practice with opportunities to develop your communication skills and particularly on questions like role-play/personal attributes/motivations to pursue medicine
Students are all expected to actively participate to simulate interviews as closely as possible!
1 x Group task practice (only essential for those applying to universities where this happens - e.g. Southampton/Edinburgh/HYMS)
NB: in an Oxford or Cambridge group, the university-specific mentorship sessions can include science-based preparation
TOTAL: 45+ hours of support and assistance
Disclaimer: to be eligible for the guarantee, students must attend all preparation sessions offered or view recordings of all sessions, attend a medical school interview + remain engaged with their Interview Buddies™ until January.
Note - this is a medical interviews course. A separate programme for dental applicants with small-group preparation, supplemented by a one-off, one-day interview course, will be launched in the next couple of weeks!
Large group lessons will be run as follows:
In these sessions, you will be given the opportunity to volunteer to answer questions & debate about all of the below!
Week 1
Saturday, 19th October - 6.00-7.30 PM [Intro]
Learn about the structure of an MMI, and how this differs from a group or a panel-style interview
Observe a demonstrative mock interview with one of our expert medical student volunteers
Create a plan for your medical interview preparation
Meet your university-specific mentors
Sunday 20th October - 11-12.30 PM [Reflecting on Work Experience]
Exploring the concept of reflection in medical school interviews
Covering how to discuss your work experience or volunteering, including how to structure answers, important buzzwords and exactly what to pick up on!
Exploring some of the challenges of a medical career that you may have witnessed and how to discuss them
Learning about the members of the multidisciplinary team
Analysing a video of a patient/GP consultation gone wrong - discussing what makes an ideal doctor-patient interaction
Week 2
Saturday, 26th October - 6.00-7.30 PM [Personal Attributes]
Discussing how to respond to the question 'why medicine?'
Including follow-ups e.g. why not nursing/allied healthcare
Outlining the most important qualities of a doctor as per the Medical Schools Council and how you can demonstrate them in your interviews
Preparing answers for all the most common personal-attribute questions (including pre-session work)
Sunday, 27th October - 11-12.30 PM [Medical Training Pathway & Challenges]
What does the medical training pathway look like in the UK?
What are STs and CTs and FY1s?
Who is the registrar and the GP/consultant?
What are the different specialities in medicine? Should I pick one if my interviewer asks me?
Different styles of medical education (e.g. case-based/integrated/PBL/traditional)
Using that to answer "why this uni?"
Week 3
Saturday, 2nd November - 6.00-8.00 PM [Structure of the NHS]
NHS, GMC, BMA - structure/roles/function
NHS Long Term Plan, 6 Cs, CCGs vs Integrated Care Systems
Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Care
Comparisons between private and NHS healthcare
Is everything on the NHS truly free? (e.g. dental care/prescription charges)
Would charging for GP consultations be a solution to the primary care crisis?
Sunday, 3rd November - 11-12.30 PM [NHS Challenges]
Ageing population
Mental health crisis
New anti-obesity medications, flaws and strengths of BMI as a metric
Role of a 'sugar tax'
Week 4
Saturday, 9th November - 6.00-7.30 PM [Organisational Failings, Patient Safety]
Discrimination cases
Medicolegal cases e.g. Dr. Bawa Garba
Martha's rule & implications for medical interviews
Medical Mistakes & intro to roleplays (across Saturday + Sunday)
Sunday, 10th November - 11-12.30 PM [Medical Malpractice]
Historic success and failure of the GMC
Harold Shipman
Lucy Letby
Yaser Jabbar
Revalidation and appraisal process following landmark cases
Week 5
Saturday, 16th November - 6.00-7.30 PM [More NHS Challenges]
A&E and GP Crisis
Ambulance waiting times
Healthcare inequalities
Intersectionality of disadvantage
Marmot Review
North/South divide, rural vs urban care, BAME and the NHS
Role of technology/AI e.g. virtual wards
Sunday, 17th November - 11-12.30 PM [Solutions to NHS Challenges (yay! or is it all that it seems...)]
NHS doctor strikes
Recruitment and retention - understaffing?
New junior doctor pay deal
Increase in medical school places & the degree apprenticeship - are these viable solutions?
Role of physician associates, ARRS in primary care and the wider multidisciplinary team
Medical students/doctors leaving the NHS - who/what/why, impacts + solutions?
Week 6
Saturday, 23rd November - 6.00-7.30 PM [SJT-Type Questions]
Conduct as a medical doctor
Academic dishonesty
Patients giving monetary gifts
Historic cases & outcomes
Framework to answer SJT-type questions
Sunday, 24th November - 11-12.30 PM [Roleplays]
Breaking bad news e.g. cancer diagnosis - SPIKES framework, ICE (ideas, concerns and expectations)
Conflict resolution
Other common scenarios e.g. confidentiality/lost pet/smoking cessation/weight loss/worried relative
Tuesday, 26th November - 4-8 PM [Group Task Practice]
Only for students interviewing at universities where this is applicable - e.g. Edinburgh/Hull York/Southampton
Dates/times for each group's slot TBC
Week 7 - Both MMI and Oxbridge Friendly before Oxbridge Interviews
Saturday, 30th November - 6.00-7.30 PM [Interpreting Data, Research Papers & Articles]
Structure of an academic paper
Covering and analysing research papers relating to the topics discussed above and below
Forest plots
Framework for answering questions about data/papers/graphs
Sunday, 1st December - 11-12.30 PM [More on Research]
Clinical trials
Research ethics
Drug calculation questions e.g. at Birmingham/Leicester/Sunderland/Oxford/Cambridge
Week 8
Saturday, 7th December - 6.00-7.30 PM [Few left-over things]
Mid-Staffordshire Failings & Francis Reports
Shropshire Maternity Scandals
Lord Darzi Report
(If time: infected blood scandal)
Sunday, 8th December - 11-12.30 PM [Medical Ethics]
Capacity and consent
Role of Mental Health Act 2005
Advance directive, LPA, assessment of competence
Fraser guidelines
Gillick competence
4 Pillars of Medical Ethics
Ethical theories e.g. virtue ethics/deontology/consequentialism
Common ethical scenarios
Week 9 - Please watch week 8 recording/attend week 8 otherwise week 9 won't make sense!
Saturday, 14th December - 6.00-7.30 PM [Ethical Cases]
Jehovah's Witnesses & blood transfusion ethics
Charlie Gard
Archie Battersbee
Indi Gregory
Alfie Evans
Baby Doe
Sunday, 15th December - 11-12.30 PM [COVID-19 & the NHS]
Impacts of COVID-19 upon the NHS - both positive and negative
Waiting lists
Mental health impacts
COVID-19 and research/trials/drugs e.g. remdesivir/dexamethasone/mRNA vaccine
Global vaccine roll-out
Nightingale hospitals, PPE crisis
Emerging diseases and pandemics
Week 10
Saturday, 21st December - 6.00-7.30 PM [Ethics II]
DNACPR, withdrawals of treatment, physician-assisted dying
Coping with bereavement
Sunday, 22nd December - 11-12.30 PM [Ethics III]
Mandatory vaccinations for both doctors and patients
Vaccine hesitancy
Pseudoscience, homeopathy & alternative medicine - Nita Arshad case
Andrew Wakefield, the MMR vaccine scandal & 'autistic enterocolitis' (hint: no such thing - was a scam!)
Week 11
Saturday, 4th January - 6.00-7.30 PM [Ethics IV]
Organ donation legislation
Mandatory organ donation - pros and cons of opt-in vs opt-out approach
Healthcare economics type scenarios
How should the NHS fund treatment of 'lifestyle diseases'?
Should cosmetic procedures be funded on the NHS?
"There are 4 people in need of a liver/organ - decide who should it be provided to"
Sunday, 5th January - 11-12.30 PM [AI and NHS Developments]
Uses of AI in the NHS
Improve quality of care e.g. cancer diagnosis
Improve capacity/alleviate burdens on healthcare professionals
Use of new drugs e.g. ozempic/kymriah
Cost concerns
Antibiotic resistance
Week 12
Saturday, 11th January - 6.00-7.30 PM [The Unexpected]
Abstract picture interpretation and task-based questions (including communication skills)
Prioritisation type scenarios [non-medical]
Unexpected questions & coping with these in a systematic way
Saturday, 12th January - 11-12 PM [Goodbye]
Advice from an ex-interviewer
Q&A with all the mentors
Final tips
Note: this will be an interactive format. Students will be encouraged to have microphones + cameras on for durations of the class (no pressure though!)
Can't make these dates? Not to worry - the classes will all be recorded & hosted on our secure Google Classroom platform. For privacy reasons, these will not be shared widely (e.g. YouTube/offered for sale) and will only be available to those that sign up now.
An opportunity for Q&A will be presented both during & at the end of each webinar. You may also share questions with your MyUCAT Interview Buddy™.
Interview Buddies
Eight sessions with your Interview Buddy™ will be decided as per mutual convenience of the 5-6 students in your group.
You may also contact one of your UCAT Buddies™ around the clock with any questions!
The topics below are suggested for most medical schools. Some deviation from this can be made if needed on a university-specific basis - e.g. for the Oxbridge group, sessions in November and December can be tailored to Oxford or Cambridge-style interview preparation.
Indicative Sample Timetable
If requested, your mentor is permitted to deviate from the curriculum presented here, particularly where this may be appropriate for certain universities. This is following agreement of Ojas + all members of the group. Where universities are heavier on science (e.g. Oxbridge), maths skills (e.g. Birmingham/Sunderland/Leicester), group tasks (e.g. Edinburgh), panel-style interviews (e.g. Glasgow/Southampton) - these areas can be explored by mentorship groups more extensively.
Interactive Mentorship Session #1
Develop answers to "give an example of when you demonstrated ____" for all the important personal attributes that are commonly asked about
E.g. communication/teamwork/empathy/organisation/leadership/resilience/listening/reflection
Practice discussing your 'greatest strengths' and 'greatest weaknesses'
Explore the most important qualities of a healthcare professional
Discussing how to reflect on your work experience and volunteering
Including preparation for personal-statement-based questions
Interactive Mentorship Session #2
Develop answers to 'why medicine?'
Develop answers to 'tell me about a book/article that you've read recently' or 'area of medicine that interests you'
Develop answers to 'why this university?'
Interactive Mentorship Session #3
Quiz/challenge-based session covering major NHS challenges
'What changes would you make to improve the NHS?'
Interactive Mentorship Session #4
Practising questions about healthcare inequalities and solutions
Practising questions about interpreting data and articles
Interactive Mentorship Session #5
Practising situational judgement style questions in small groups
Practising roleplay style questions, with a specific focus on breaking bad news
Interactive Mentorship Session #6
Practising communication skills type questions
E.g. giving/following instructions to draw something
E.g. 20 yes/no questions to guess an object (Sheffield-style)
Describing images
Interactive Mentorship Session #7
Part 1: Knowledge recap
AI and the NHS
COVID-19 and the NHS
Part 2: Ethical debate
Patient is refusing essential, life-saving treatment - what are the capacity/consent considerations to keep in mind?
An underage patient requests contraceptive treatment - what are the considerations?
Charlie Gard & other similar medicolegal cases - discuss
Martha's rule: have doctors historically always acted in the best interest of patients?
Who knows best - the patient or the doctor?
Interactive Mentorship Session #8
'Is it ethical for doctors to strike?'
'Should vaccination be made mandatory?'
'What are the differences between alternative medicine and holistic care?'
'Is homeopathic medicine dangerous? Where do we draw the line?'
SUPER PACKAGE – KNOWLEDGE: just £20/week (!) → access to the MyUCAT interview resource bank AND daily NHS news updates on our group chat AND total 25+ hours bi-weekly ‘knowledge sessions’ bringing together every possible piece of knowledge you may need on NHS reforms/hot topics & developments in medicine/medico-legal cases/ethical scenarios/healthcare inequalities & more!
SUPREME PACKAGE – COMMUNICATION: just £25/week (!) → all of the above AND be matched with a mentor & mentorship group of 5-6 people at your top choice uni → 8 x highly interactive small group sessions to practise, boost your confidence & develop answers to: personal attributes questions/interpreting data/role-play (e.g. conflict/breaking bad news)/”why medicine”/”why this uni” AND WhatsApp support around-the-clock for 3 months.
Includes an average of 3.75+ hours of support each week (less than £7 an hour!)
Either one upfront payment for 12 weeks, or 3 x monthly instalments permitted on an interest-free basis.
Following October payment today, the next monthly installments will be due by 1 November & 1 December.
ULTIMATE PACKAGE - ASSESSMENT: all of the above, plus for +£50 choose from either
(a) MyUCAT’s ultimate 2024-edition updated MMI circuit with doctor & medical student panel
(b) 2 x 1-1 university-specific mock interviews (35-40 mins interviews; 20-25 mins feedback)
Ultimate package add-ons will be available for purchase by participating students following the launch of the programme, once we finalise MMI circuit dates - it is not necessary to purchase these today.
FAQ: What do I do after purchase?
If the supreme package, please fill in this form
Please do not fill in the form before/without making a purchase!
This may cause delays for everyone & unnecessary and avoidable stress for our admin team
For the super package, the Zoom link will be shared with everyone at once, around a week before programme launch
FAQ: Are there still any places available?
Yes, if you are seeing the purchase links above, there are places available!
If you have purchased the programme, please note that your payment has been registered and a spot has been allocated, even if someone does not reach out to you immediately
It may be tricky to immediately reach out to everyone on launch day - information about your mentor allocation will arrive in the next week upcoming
We will wait for all spots to be given out so that you are matched to the most appropriate groups
FAQ: When does this programme start?
Mentors will be assigned on week commencing 14th of October. You will meet mentors on Zoom and attend your first session on the 19th of October.
FAQ: When does this programme end?
We will have covered all the important areas and content by mid-January 2025.
If anyone wants more communication skills practice in February/March, we can explore launching more sessions
This will be something offered later in the year