How can you reflect on a UCAT mock?
Check for accuracy:
  • Are there any that you just don't understand and are getting wrong
Take a look at why that might be the case - are there any clues in the question that you might have missed out on and spot now? What is the explanation given for why your answer choice is wrong?Maybe make some brief notes on anything that is new to you and share any confusing questions on UCAT Experts. Question types that you repeatedly get incorrect it may be ideal to try untimed
Check for timings:- Large scale: did you manage your time well and finish the subtest? If not, what should you have flagged and how might you be able to identify these later?- Small scale: are there any questions where you took a lot longer than the average time of all students on Medify (it tells you that under the mark scheme)? Is there any way that we could make things easier by working backwards from answer options? Can we think of any time saving strategies?

How did I reflect on UCAT questions?
Here are my reflection notes. They aren't really optimised for sharing so sorry that things are a little disorganised!